Greg de Moore

Greg de Moore is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry based at Sydney’s Westmead Hospital. Born in Melbourne of parents who migrated to Australia from Sri Lanka, Greg has lived in Sydney for more than 30 years. He has written and co-written three previous books—the biography Tom Wills (Allen & Unwin, 2008 & 2011), A National Game: The History of Australian RulesFootball (Viking/Penguin, 2008) and Finding Sanity: John Cade, Lithiumand the Taming of Bipolar Disorder (Allen & Unwin, 2016). The biography of Tom Wills was based on meticulous research unearthing original medical records, letters, textbooks and notes previously believed to have been lost or destroyed. This book was short-listed for the National Biography Award.

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Books by Greg de Moore